The ancient Hindus believed, and with good reason, that there is no dividing line between the mind and the body. As they stated, the mind is body and the body is mind. They also believed that if beautifying the mind is to beautify the body, the concept can be applied to the soul as well - that beautifying the mind and body is to beautify the soul. It is with this philosophy as the core that the systems of yoga and ayurveda were developed.
Yoga and ayurveda are sister sciences of healing, transformation and integration on all levels of the being. Traditional ayurveda focusses more on treatment in this process, also called chikitsa, for body and mind, while yoga aims more at self-development and self-realisation, or sadhana. An inseparable component of the Indian ethos, both yoga and ayurveda have been in practice on the sub-continent for thousands of years. They have evolved from being merely medical systems to being the science of life itself.
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